Title Dear God
Artist ONO
Album nothing entered
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Intro: Ooh hoo Dear God

There are times when I look into my life
And all that I can see is a vast ocean
A mountain in the distance
That I cannot seem to reach
I feel lost like a boat sailing by itself
In an endless ocean with nowhere to go

I look up to the sky but I don’t see the stars
Oh where, oh where can they be?

Dear God could you come and save me
Dear God oh can’t you see me cry
Please show the way
Dear God could you be my light
Dear God oh can’t you see my pain
Can you hear me pray every single day?

There are times when I look inside myself
And all that I can see is vast emptiness
A light in the distance that I cannot seem to reach
I feel lost like a child walking in the dark
In an empty space with nowhere to go

Chorus 3x

Dear God, dear God oh can’t you save me
Dear God, dear God oh can’t you see
Please show the way
Dear God, dear God could you be my light
Dear God , dear God oh can’t you see my pain
Can you hear me pray every single day?

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