Title Qhib Koj Lub Qhov Muag
Artist Jjenn
Album nothing entered
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Kuv pom koj zaum ib leeg ntawm no
Kuv pom koj lub kua muag ntws los
Kuv pom koj txho caug thov rau lub ntuj
Kuv pom koj plws koj cov menyuam
Hnov koj hu txog lub ntiaj teb
Quaj npaum cas los tsis hnov koj
Hu npaum cas los tsis hnov koj

Los nag los ntxuaj kuv
Ua pa los lawv tsis pub
Tshaib plab los tsis cia noj
Ntshai tsam txoj sia tu
Lawv tso lawv menyuam tseg
Ntshai Nyablaj txiav tom kev
Qhib koj lub qhov muag
Es koj thiaj li pom

Listen, listen, listen
They set traps making sure nobody pass
It\\\’s a nightmare hear the sound of a gun blast
Separated from my group
Desperation out of hungry got my searching for food
Eating mushrooms, digging up roots
They murdered, slaughter my people, raped my woman, killed our kids
Burned our villages
On my knees to God why this world is so evil
My Hmong people been through so many tragic over the years
It\\\’s not a classic but it happens to continue though we live

Muaj ntau tus hais rau kuv tias
Peb tuaj txog chaws vam meej
Nco ntsoov tias peb tseem tsuav
Peb cov Hmoob nyob rau teb chaws qub

Cov lus mekas hais tseg lawm twb tsis khaws (no, no)
Peb caug xyoo dhau los
Hnub no peb cov Hmoob mam paub txog


Qhib koj lub qhov muag
Qhib nej lub qhov muag

Peb cov Hmoob (no, no)
Peb cov Hmoob (oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
Peb cov Hmoob
Qhib nej cov qhov muag


Los nag los ntxuaj kuv
Ua pa los lawv tsis pub
Tshaib plab los tsis cia noj
Ntshai tsam txoj sia tu
Lawv tso lawv menyuam tseg
Ntshai Nyablaj txiav tom kev
Qhib nej lub qhov muag
Es nej thiaj li pom

Qhib nej cov qhov muag
Thov nej qhib nej cov qhov muag

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